Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bulletin Boards How To

Bulletin Boards
How to make create a 
bulletin board using ceiling tiles

 Purchase ceiling tiles at any home
improvement store. You will also 
need paint, a brush, a vinyl circles.
The vinyl is found at craft stores. You 
can cut circles yourself or have them
cut at a teacher supply store.  Another 
option would be to make lines using
painters tape.
 Place the vinyl circles
randomly on the tile.
Paint around the circles.
I like to go from the inside
out to avoid leaking under
the circles.
 Continue painting until all
white areas are covered.
 Remove the vinyl.
 Drill two holes in the corners and 
thread ribbon through.  I also added
a gerber daisy to the center of each.
Attach pictures and other memorabilia
to the bulletin boards with thumb tacks.